
April 2020
COVID-19 has changed much of the landscape for startups and entrepreneurs. All companies, from the largest corporations down to the one-person shops, are having to adjust to working from home. Some entrepreneurs are finding this adjustment to be straightforward and intuitive, while others are finding it to be a little bit more of a challenge....
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virtual pitch
Many entrepreneurs have had experience pitching prospective investors in-person. You meet with an investor, go over your presentation, documents, and other pertinent information. They ask some questions, and you ask some as well. If all goes well, you’ll discuss specifics, and eventually, they’ll cut you a check and potentially take a seat on your board...
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jonathan hung
A few days ago Claire Bahn, CEO of Stratus Branding, was able to sit down with serial Angel Investor, Jonathan Hung, for a quick 10 part Q&A on his take of the current state of the angel investing landscape and how startups should navigate the post-COVID-19 financial landscape. What follows is Part 2 of the...
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jonathan hung
A few days ago Claire Bahn, CEO of Stratus Branding, was able to sit down with serial Angel Investor, Jonathan Hung, for a quick 10 part Q&A on his take of the current state of the angel investing landscape and how startups should navigate the post-COVID-19 financial landscape. What follows is Part 1 of the...
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angel investing
Startups frequently meet with angel investors to secure funding. As an entrepreneur, you must make the most of these meetings when you have them. The general wisdom tends to be that angel investors are generally busy people who receive countless idea pitches. Therefore, it can be tempting to think that any offer they put out...
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